Thursday, January 13, 2011

False Realities

I was sitting in a community collaborative meeting a few months back and a frightening reality struck me then and has been lingering in my mind ever since. The world (outside of Christ) is finding community and it's real but it's incomplete- a false reality. I guess I've seen it around me my whole life but it never scared me before like it did in this particular meeting. I felt a deep connection in that community( including emotion, acceptance, comfort). There were about 15 of us and we each had 3 minutes to share where we came from, what we brought to the table (as an individual and not as a representative of an organization) and something we didn't want people to know about us. 3 minutes was all it took.

This month for me it has been a different realization- almost a fear that that community and connection doesn't rest in Christ where I beleive it rest. In relationships I often experience another false reality. A (quite possibly damaging) false intimacy.

My coworker/friend told me yesterday that she has a book full of inspirational thoughts and she brought it in today to share with me- hoping we could choose a meditation to turn our days into positive reflections together. "How we greet today will color the returns of this day." In the best of intents she assumed this was a common perspective we shared and I realized that there is a false intimacy in our relationship. My color on every day can only be the reality of Christ's sacrifice for me and if I just carry on like a person full of joy and life but don't give credit to my Savior I am experiencing false intimacy with those were are deceived that true joy and satisfaction can be found outside of him.

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